Information about D4 Gigs


Community marketplace

Welcome to Display 4 Gigs! The Official Booking Platform of Display Entertainment, LLC. We are a marketing and management company with one goal... To provide Independent Artists with all the tools an agency or record label could provide, without any contracts of commitments. 

D4 Gigs is an online booking and hiring platform for Entertainment Industry Related Services. Create a free account and post "Gigs" that you want to offer, or hire other users based on gigs they have posted... Set your availability schedule, discuss workflow, accept or decline offers, and process payments all within the platform... Benefit from our marketing efforts and increase business by posting listing such as: Event Space, Event Performance, Studio Recording, Song Feature, Photography, Videography, Modeling, Graphic Design, Social Media Promo, Marketing, etc.! 

Visit to learn more about our company and discover all the ways we could help grow your career in the Entertainment Industry! 

 /!\ Notice /!\ Login Credentials and Account info used on are separate from your Account info. 

D4 Gigs is powered by the Sharetribe marketplace platform.

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